Influence of lane discipline on Delay at Rail-Road Crossing
Milan M.Trivedi
, Prof. V.R.Gor
Lane Discipline, Dispersion Time, Delay
Traffic flow in mixed conditions can be classified as fast moving and slow moving vehicles or motorized and non motorized vehicles. The vehicle also varies in size maneuverability, organize, static and dynamic characteristics. This heterogeneity will generate difficult mix traffic characteristic on road. due to rapid increase in volume of traffic the designed speed on high ways could not be maintain consequential a delay in reaching target point so lane discipline is the better concept for that. It causes Delay and consequent changes in Approach speed, lateral movement, lateral acceleration and lateral gap at major city road network, intersections, level crossing. For safe and efficient movement of large volumes of traffic on city road network, intersections, crossings, the lane discipline is important. The proposed capacity and operation of traffic significantly depend on driver behavior, lane discipline, traffic flow characteristics, etc. The lane discipline not followed on urban roads in India leads to heterogeneous motorized traffic, slow-moving traffic. It is consequently required to consider suitably traffic flow parameter speed, density, and delay influence by lane discipline for mixed traffic situation to estimate at Maninagar and Punitnagar Rail-road crossing. This paper represents the traffic volume check the time to reach the target in off-peak and peak timings and estimating delay on a rail-road crossing and coming up with both methodical and realistic solution.
"Influence of lane discipline on Delay at Rail-Road Crossing", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.2, Issue 5, page no.247 - 252, May-2017, Available :
Volume 2
Issue 5,
Pages : 247 - 252
Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_170410
Published Paper Id: IJSDR1705042
Downloads: 000347036
Research Area: Engineering
Country: -, -, India
ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 9.15 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJSDR(IJ Publication) Janvi Wave