Learner Autonomy in the Language Learning Classroom
Teaching, learner, Independence, communicative, transpiring, dynamic process, potentially, motivation.
Teaching has been the premium placed on the role of the learner in the language learning process. From the last two decades, the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum in communicative oriented language learning. However, learner autonomy does not mean that the teacher becomes redundant or abdicating his/her control over what is transpiring in the language learning process. In the present study, it will be shown that learner autonomy is a constant dynamic process amenable to 'educational interventions', rather than a static product, a state, which is reached once and for all. This study examines the learner autonomy 'in order to help to assume greater control over their own learning and it is important to help them to become aware of and identify the strategies that they could potentially use'. At any rate, individual learners differ in their learning habits, interests, needs, and motivation, and develop varying degrees of independence throughout their lives.
"Learner Autonomy in the Language Learning Classroom", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (www.IJSDR.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.1, Issue 7, page no.214 - 217, July-2016, Available :https://ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDr1607036.pdf
Volume 1
Issue 7,
Pages : 214 - 217
Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_160630
Published Paper Id: IJSDr1607036
Downloads: 000346998
Research Area: Engineering
Country: Unknown, Unknown, India
ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 9.15 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJSDR(IJ Publication) Janvi Wave