Paper Title

A study to evaluate the skill competency program on parenteral drug administration in terms of knowledge and practice among staff nurses working in pediatric units in selected hospital at Meerut


Gaurav Kumar , Komal Saxena , Seema


Effectiveness, staff nurses, regarding parenteral drug administration, working in pediatric unit.


RESEARCH ABSTRACT STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:“A study to evaluate the skill competency program on parenteral drug administration in terms of knowledge and practice among staff nurses working in pediatric units in selected hospital at Meerut”. INTRODUCTION: The most commonly observed error in the hospital setting is related with medication administration. Medication administration error is defined as any preventable event which occurs in the time period which starts with supply of a medication and includes the follow-up period after administration. The risk is higher in drug administrations in the childhood age group compared to adults. Many factors including reconstitution, preservation and interaction with other fluids in addition to inappropriate commercial format of the drugs which will be used in the childhood age group predispose to errors. OBJECTIVES:- 1.To assess the knowledge and practice regarding parenteral drugs administration among nurses working in pediatric units of selected hospitals at Meerut. 2.To evaluate the effectiveness of skill competency program on knowledge and practice regarding parenteral drugs administration among nurses working in pediatric units of selected hospitals at Meerut. 3.To find out the correlation between knowledge and practice score regarding parenteral drugs administration among nurses working in pediatric units of selected hospitals at Meerut. 4. To find out the association between posttest knowledge score with selected demographic variables among nurses working in pediatric units of selected hospitals at Meerut. METHODOLOGY:The research approach adopted for the study was quantitative research approach. The research design selected for the study was one group pre &posttest experimental design. The sample was selected through non-probability purposive sampling technique. The sample of the study consisted of 30 staff nurses working in pediatric unit of selected hospital at Meerut. Pre-test knowledge of staff nurses was assessed on the day one. Skill competency program was administered on parenteral drug administration on day first to staff nurses. The post test was taken for the same staff nurses on 7th. The data collected by using knowledge questionnaire and observation checklist. The mean post –test knowledge score (11.67) among staff nurses on parenteral drug administration was higher than the mean pre - test knowledge score (6.23) and mean post –test practice score (35.87) among staff nurses on parenteral drug administration was higher than the mean pre - test practice score (21.23 ) skill competency program on parenteral drug administration was found to be statistically significant as evident from the obtained “t” value (26.821 ) for df (29) at 0.05 level of significance and mean post –test practice score (38.03) among staff nurses on parenteral drug administration was higher than the mean pre - test practice score (21.10 ) skill competency program on parenteral drug administration was found to be statistically significant as evident from the obtained “t” value (28.014 ) for Df (29) at 0.05 level of significance. The correlation between post IV knowledge & post IV practice was 0.004 & the correlation between post IM knowledge & post IM practice was 0.111.It reveals positive correlation between knowledge & practice score. Chi-square distribution to associate the selected demographic variables with the knowledge level of staff nurses regarding parenteral drug administration represents that there is no association between demographic variable and knowledge level of staff nurses.Whereas it has been shown that there is one significant association between posttest IV practice score & year of working experience of staff nurses whereas there is no significant association between posttest IV practice score & other demographic variables. CONCLUSION:The study concluded that there was knowledge deficit in staff nurses regarding parenteral drug administration before intervention and skill competency program was an effective method to improve the knowledge of staff nurses working in pediatric unit. KEYWORDS:Effectiveness, staff nurses, regarding parenteral drug administration, working in pediatric unit.

How To Cite

"A study to evaluate the skill competency program on parenteral drug administration in terms of knowledge and practice among staff nurses working in pediatric units in selected hospital at Meerut", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 5, page no.1029 - 1034, May-2023, Available :


Volume 8 Issue 5, May-2023

Pages : 1029 - 1034

Other Publication Details

Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_206103

Published Paper Id: IJSDR2305162

Downloads: 000347036

Research Area: Health Science 

Country: Meerut, Utter pradesh, India

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ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016

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