Aamir Yousf
, Dr. Rakesh Gupta
Sidewalks, pedestrian level of service, pedestrian environment, and unit flow rate, cycle track.
When consideration takes place about the traffic of one the most advances cities Chandigarh, India, no one thinks about the issue related to slow-moving traffic such as pedestrians, cyclists and other slow moving traffic. Although motor vehicles have revolutionized the road transport, but in recent years the rapid increase in traffic in Chandigarh has increased the traffic congestion and the rate of accidents. According to Black Book 2013 compiled by the Road Accident Analysis by Chandigarh Traffic Police, Chandigarh's geographical area is 114 sq km. The total population of Chandigarh is more than 11 lakh. The city's vehicle population is more than 8.8 lakh, which is the highest of the per capita vehicle population in the country. U.T. More than 100 vehicles have been added in Chandigarh. Total road length of Chandigarh is 1536 km. More than 130 people are losing every year in Chandigarh. Walking is an important means of transport. A significant proportion of the journey to 1-2 km in length in the areas of the field is done on the foot. Apart from this, every journey begins as a necessary journey and ends. Since pedestrians are more sensitive to involvement in accidents, it is important that adequate protection should be given to their safety through the provision of facilities like guard rail, safe crossing area, pavement and grade separation. Pedestrian amenities should be planned in an integrated way to ensure a continuous pedestrian flow. That's why it should be useful to see pedestrian needs in the entire area and to prepare the overall strategic plan. The basic purpose should be to minimize pedestrian conflict with at least vehicle traffic. Efforts should be made to make such conditions that pedestrians are not forced to run under unsafe conditions and the motorist respects the pedestrian status. While planning a convenient pedestrian, there should be paramount consideration. Other facilities provided otherwise will not be fully used. Suggestions prepared as traffic management plans to protect pedestrians by reducing conflict between vehicle movement and pedestrians.
"A REVIEW PAPER ON STUDY OF PEDESTRIAN AND SLOW MOVING TRAFFIC IN URBAN AREAS", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (www.IJSDR.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.3, Issue 7, page no.258 - 260, July-2018, Available :https://ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDR1807044.pdf
Volume 3
Issue 7,
Pages : 258 - 260
Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_180527
Published Paper Id: IJSDR1807044
Downloads: 000346998
Research Area: Engineering
ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 9.15 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJSDR(IJ Publication) Janvi Wave