Thermomagnetic Convection Pattern is Analyzed in an Annular Space Under a Non – Uniform Magnetic and Thermal Field
Magnetic fluid, Ferro fluid, Thermomagnetic convection
In this paper, the thermomagnetic convection of magnetic fluid which has more thermal sensitivity when it is compared with a non-uniform magnetic field.The results are analyzed and the isotherms, streamlines at different interval points are drawn.As a result ,in case of thermomagnetic convection pattern is found to be produced,the convetion pattern is depends on the electric current distribution. In that diagram clockwise, anti-clockwise and concentric circles shows that the changing of convection pattern due to electric current at various points
"Thermomagnetic Convection Pattern is Analyzed in an Annular Space Under a Non – Uniform Magnetic and Thermal Field", IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (, ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.3, Issue 7, page no.84 - 90, July-2018, Available :
Volume 3
Issue 7,
Pages : 84 - 90
Paper Reg. ID: IJSDR_180371
Published Paper Id: IJSDR1807013
Downloads: 000346998
Research Area: Applied Mathematics
ISSN: 2455-2631 | IMPACT FACTOR: 9.15 Calculated By Google Scholar | ESTD YEAR: 2016
An International Scholarly Open Access Journal, Peer-Reviewed, Refereed Journal Impact Factor 9.15 Calculate by Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar | AI-Powered Research Tool, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Multilanguage Journal Indexing in All Major Database & Metadata, Citation Generator
Publisher: IJSDR(IJ Publication) Janvi Wave