International Peer Reviewed & Refereed Journals, Open Access Journal
ISSN Approved Journal No: 2455-2631 | Impact factor: 8.15 | ESTD Year: 2016
open access , Peer-reviewed, and Refereed Journals, Impact factor 8.15

Issue: May 2024

Volume 9 | Issue 5

Impact factor: 8.15

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Paper Title: Child exploitation in India, its causes and consequences in the society, A socio legal perspective
Authors Name: Mr. Aradhya Pokhriyal
Unique Id: IJSDR2306179
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 6, June-2023
Abstract: Childhood is the most important stage in human life that shapes the future individual, through formal education, self-learning through playing and interaction with other children, adults and nurture, into a better person in private and public life who is aware of rights and responsibilities. However, not all children are at advantage to enjoy their childhood. Child exploitation has been the main thrust of universal discussion over a period. Journalists, psychologists, sociologists, politicians, philanthropists and even literary artists have deliberated on and sought for ways of stopping this exploitative and hazardous phenomenon to no avail. The developed, developing and under-developed countries of the world are all guilty of child labour. The issue of child exploitation and several challenges by children, which have emerged as consequence of those issues have been widely researched and debated for decades. In each country child labour is primary form of child exploitation, caused by unique mix of level of economic development in the country, social attitudes towards children, cultural factors, educational quality and quantity, labour laws governing labour markets and the stringency with which they are enforced. It is aptly described, as ‘child labour is a symptom and not the problem’. Despite the countless policies and programmes launched against the issue, the resultant dent caused in the numbers is very meager. For the progress of the community at large we need to pay attention towards education of children. The Child Labour system is in existence in developing and underdeveloped counties. India is one of the Countries where in large number children below the age of 14 years made work voluntary or forcefully in various organizations. As if there is no proper distribution of economy among the society then children are unfortunately forced to do work for their survival like; Unemployment of adult members of the particular family result into Child Labour. In any country, protection of children and young people is of prime importance. So the responsibility to provide healthy atmosphere to the children to their fullest physical and mental development rests on all the civilized society. Every human being is a social animal. As we are part of the society, the responsibility to take care of the children and young people is on the shoulder on the society.
Cite Article: "Child exploitation in India, its causes and consequences in the society, A socio legal perspective", International Journal of Science & Engineering Development Research (www.ijsdr.org), ISSN:2455-2631, Vol.8, Issue 6, page no.1284 - 1288, June-2023, Available :http://www.ijsdr.org/papers/IJSDR2306179.pdf
Downloads: 000340272
Publication Details: Published Paper ID: IJSDR2306179
Registration ID:207378
Published In: Volume 8 Issue 6, June-2023
DOI (Digital Object Identifier):
Page No: 1284 - 1288
Publisher: IJSDR | www.ijsdr.org
ISSN Number: 2455-2631

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